ID Change Library


Since 2016, Trans Lifeline’s Microgrants department has been leading a community-supported effort to create and maintain the widest readily accessible database of all the local and national information surrounding ID changes in one place – including Tribal IDs, immigration documents, military documents, and name changes for people with previous criminal records.

This living library contains multiple tables ranging from federal to county information about name & gender marker changes and ID documents.

We call it living because processes and fees are subject to change at any time. To help us keep this running, we’d love your feedback on accessibility or information by contacting us here (select Microgrants). We thank our community for the research, translation, and entry it takes to keep this library running. Your contributions are invaluable to the trans community’s well-being. Special thanks go to Miriam Gwilt, Kel Dae, and others.

How To Use

Use the search bar (magnifying glass icon) to type in what you are looking for. If you feel any information is in error, please use this feedback form or contact us to fix it.

Requirements and fees are subject to change at any time. Research teams are working in real-time to update information as we receive it. Any entry that says “Help Us Find It” may not yet exist.

Federal Identification

This table contains information on Passports, Social Security Cards, Tribal IDs, and immigration documents.

Name Change Petitions

This table contains information on legal name change petitions to obtain a court order.

Publication Fees

This table contains information on legal name change publication fees by state and county.

Driver’s Licenses & State Identification

This table contains information for driver’s licenses and state-issued ID cards.

Birth Certificates

This table contains information on birth certificates by state.

Name Change Assistance

The table below includes legal clinics and programs that provide assistance with name changes.

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