12 things to do instead of call the police
Alternatives to calling the cops and putting people into dangerous situations.
3 Reasons It’s Totally Valid to Have More Than One Gender Identity
When it comes to your gender, nothing is disallowed, as long as you’re not hurting anyone.
5 Tips on How to Come Out to Your Family As Nonbinary
Four non-binary people discuss the strategies they used when coming out to their loved ones.
6 Common Myths I Had to Unlearn to Embrace My Gender Identity
Alaina Leary shares the messages she had to unpack and unlearn in order to come validate their trans and non-binary gender.
Akanni Men’s Mentoring Support
EmpowerHIM provides Akanni, a structured comprehensive mentoring program crafted by transmen for transmen of all ages and stages of the transition, targeted to define and achieve your personal and professional goals.
ALTGO :: Alabama’s Transgender & Gender Diversity Organizations
Support groups, local resources, and name and marker changes legal help in Alabama.
American Trans Resource Hub
Offers resources and individualized transition plans to support trans folks in their transition process.
Arianna’s Center
Service and advocacy organization supporting and empowering transgender women of color in Florida and Puerto Rico.