comunitario radical

Trans Lifeline ofrece apoyo entre pares trans a nuestra comunidad, despojado de la policía desde el primer día. Somos una organización por y para las personas trans.


Trans Lifeline conecta a las personas trans con el apoyo comunitario y los recursos que necesitamos para sobrevivir y prosperar.
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Imaginamos un mundo en el que las personas trans tengan la conexión, la seguridad económica y la atención que todes necesitan y merecen, sin prisiones ni policía.


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de fondos distribuidos

  • Trans Resistance Network

    Growing community defense, mutual-aid, and alternative systems of care for gender diverse people.

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  • ID Change Library – Trans Lifeline

    Living library with federal & county information about name & gender marker changes & ID documents.

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  • A Place for Marsha

    Facilitates safe housing for trans & non-binary individuals leaving U.S. states with transphobic laws. Their goal is to connect trans people aged 18+ with volunteers in safe states who are willing to be their roommates.

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  • Erin’s National Informed Consent Clinics Map

    Erin Reed’s informed consent map lists every informed consent hormone therapy clinic for trans people in the U.S.

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Últimas entradas del blog

A graphic depicted in a watercolor style. The text reads,

Mensaje de fin de año de Trans Lifeline

Se supone que las vacaciones de fin de año son una época en la que las familias se reúnen para celebrar la alegría, crear recuerdos duraderos y compartir el calor de las fiestas. Sin embargo, para muchas personas trans, pasar tiempo con la familia durante estas fechas puede evocar sentimientos de temor. Estos recuerdos duraderos…

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Public Statement of Intent to Downsize
Max (He/Him)
Communications Intern

Max (He/Him)

I was born and raised in Pakistan. Growing up in a conservative Muslim, South-Asian country was terrifying and self-acceptance was an uphill journey. When I moved to Malaysia for university, I found love and support from friends and the local LGBTQI community that changed my life forever. My summer internship at Trans Lifeline showed me the power that peer support and community can have in turning a trans person’s life around.

Lo (They/Them)
Microgrants Volunteer

Lo (They/Them)

I’m a high school therapist, grad student, and volunteer researcher on the Microgrants team. When you apply for a grant, we’ll help you gather everything you’ll need, walk you through the legal process, and get you the money to pay for it. In addition, our team collects and shares information on ID changes for every county in the U.S. I call court houses all over the country, but mostly I deep-dive internet research at 1 a.m. on a Tuesday—my favorite hour of free time! If you like tracking down facts, we’d love to have you on board.

Álvaro (they/them)
Álvaro (they/them)
Hotline Operator

Álvaro (They/Them)

This country has relied on systems like the police to respond because they can’t envision anything past those systems. Our no active rescue policy lets people trust us when they don’t feel comfortable reaching out to other hotlines who involve 911.

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