Embracing the ADA: Transgender People and Disability Rights
Blog essay on the ruling that the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) protects transgender people from discrimination.
Embracing Your Gender Identity
The author shares 6 common myths she had to unlearn to embrace her gender identity.
Everything You Need to Know About Testosterone-Based Hormone Replacement Therapy
Testosterone HRT, or hormone replacement therapy, can leave people feeling more confident, alleviate gender dysphoria, and in many cases saves lives.
Feeling like a man on your period
Five ways to still feel like a man when you have your period.
Finding Disabled Transgender Pride
Gaining Visibility: The Challenges Facing Transgender Elders
Learn why trans-friendly medical providers are key to preventing compounding health problems and disproportional deaths in the transgender population.
Here’s What Transgender People With Disabilities Want You To Know
There are many parallels between transgender and disabled experience.
How Do I Know If I’m Agender?
It's okay if exploring your gender is feeling confusing or tough. Know you're not alone, and that only you will know how to identify and express yourself.