
  • Bigender

    A person who identifies and/or presents as two genders—for example, a person’s gender may encompass both male and female identities or exist as a combination of both. Bigender people may possess two non-binary gender identities.

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  • Binarist

    A system of prejudicial beliefs that seek to undermine, erase, and/or invalidate non-binary people, sometimes with the assumption that they need to “pick” a binary gender, are following a fad, or are confused about the nature of their true gender. Karen was binarist when she refused to respect her non-binary co-worker’s gender-neutral pronouns, rudely telling…

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  • Binding (Chest)

    Flattening or reshaping one’s chest with constricting material to minimize the appearance of having breasts and create a more traditionally masculine or androgynous appearance. Some binding methods, including using duct tape or Ace bandages, may pose long-term health risks, including muscle tears, lung damage, and/or rib bruising. Medical-grade binders are made with stretchier, more breathable…

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  • Biological Essentialism

    The notion that men and women are naturally and categorically different from one another due to chromosomal, anatomical, endocrinological, and/or neurological variations related to birth assignment. Biological essentialism reinforces the idea that only two sexes and genders exist, defined by a person’s primary and secondary sex characteristics rather than their internal, personal experience of gender…

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    BIPOC is an acronym for “Black, Indigenous, and People of Color.” It is used to collectively refer to individuals and communities who are marginalized and oppressed due to their race or ethnicity, encompassing a wide range of non-white racial and ethnic groups.

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  • Bisexual

    A person who is sexually and/or romantically attracted to two or more genders (not necessarily men and women). Bisexual people may feel equal levels of attraction to both (or more) genders or tend to experience attraction to one gender more frequently; however, a person’s gender often factors into their attraction. More recently, the term has…

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  • Bodily Autonomy

    An ideology that supports a person’s fundamental right to self-governance over their body without external influence or coercion. The concept of bodily autonomy (or bodily integrity) is applicable to a wide range of scenarios, including the freedom to choose one’s family planning options, consensual sexual partners (regardless of gender), and medical treatment. The phrase “my…

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  • Bottom Surgery

    A slang term primarily used among transgender people to describe any number of surgical procedures related to the removal and/or reconstruction of a person’s genitalia. Examples include vaginoplasty, phalloplasty, hysterectomy, penectomy, oophorectomy, and many others. (See: Gender-affirming Surgery).

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