A Call For Change Helpline
U.S.-based free, anonymous, and confidential intimate partner abuse prevention helpline. Call 877-898-3411 or email [email protected]
California Peer-Run Warm Line
Call or text 1-855-845-7415. Non-emergency resource for anyone in California seeking mental and emotional support. (Not trans- or LGBQ-specific.)
Call Blackline
24/7 crisis support with a Black, LGBTQ+, and Black Femme lens, plus a confidential avenue to report negative and inappropriate contact with police and vigilantes. Call or text 1-800-604-5841 in the US.
Crisis Text Line
Text HOME to 741741 to connect with a volunteer Crisis Counselor. (Not trans- or LGBQ-specific).
David Romprey Oregon Warmline
24/7 nationally available call—based warmline which provides mental and emotional support from peers. Call 1-800-698-2392 in the US.
DEQH – Desi LGBTQ Helpline for South Asians
Free & confidential support for South Asian Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Queer, Trans, Non-binary, Questioning Individuals in the U.S.
Find a Helpline Near You (Worldwide)
Find a free, confidential support from a helpline or hotline near you. Online chat, text or phone.
Fireside Psychedelic Peer Support Line
Support line providing emotional support during and after psychedelic experiences. Can match with a volunteer with shared identity for people who are BIPOC, trans, and/or military veterans. Text or call 623-473-7433 in the US. Open 11a-11p PT daily.