ALTGO :: Alabama’s Transgender & Gender Diversity Organizations
Support groups, local resources, and name and marker changes legal help in Alabama.
Changing gender marker on Social Security record
U.S. Social Security Administration's steps for updating the gender marker (sex designation).
Changing your gender marker on your US passport
U.S. Department of State info on changing your gender marker on your passport.
Colorado Name Change Project
Resources on how to change your name and gender marker in Colorado.
ID Change Library – National Center for Transgender Equality
National Center for Transgender Equality's state-by-state guide for updating name & gender on state & federal ID’s and records.
ID Change Library – Trans Lifeline
Living library with federal & county information about name & gender marker changes & ID documents.
Know Your Rights – VHA Care for Transgender Veterans
Know-your-rights guide by the National Center for Transgender Equality for US military service members or veterans.
Resources for changing your documents – Lambda Legal
Information from Lambda Legal for trans people needing to change their gender markers or names on identity documents.