Black & Pink
A prison abolitionist organization dedicated to abolishing the criminal punishment system and liberating LGBTQIA2S+ people and people living with HIV/AIDS who are affected by that system through advocacy, support, and organizing.
Black & Pink PenPal Program
For an incarcerated LGBTQIA2S+ person, corresponding with someone on a regular basis is itself a harm reduction strategy, giving that person a support network outside of prison.
Black LGBTQ+ Space
Peer-led virtual space for Black LGBTQ+ community. Meets monthly on the 2nd and 4th Saturday at 12 PM (EST).
Black Trans Legal Professionals Network
A peer-support space created to address the professional and personal needs of Black trans clients and attorneys, students, and legal professionals.
Blind LGBT Pride International
Promoting the awareness, inclusion, and well-being of blind and vision impaired LGBT people through education, advocacy, and peer-support.
Brave Trails
Brave Trails is dedicated to LGBTQ+ youth leadership. Offers accredited summer camps, backpacking trips, family camps, mental health services, meet-up groups, and year-round leadership programming.
California Peer-Run Warm Line
Call or text 1-855-845-7415. Non-emergency resource for anyone in California seeking mental and emotional support. (Not trans- or LGBQ-specific.)
Call Blackline
24/7 crisis support with a Black, LGBTQ+, and Black Femme lens, plus a confidential avenue to report negative and inappropriate contact with police and vigilantes. Call or text 1-800-604-5841 in the US.