Trans Heart October

Retro game style background with the words Trans Heart October

Each October, Trans Lifeline partners with gamers and streamers around the globe to support our Hotline, Microgrants, and Advocacy programs. From tabletop to sandbox, real-time strategy, shooter, role-playing, multiplayer online battle arena, and beyond, we’re raising support for our work and hoping to expand our services in the coming year.

Join us in celebrating TLGBQ+ History Month and help to build a world where trans people have what we need to survive and flourish.

Retro game-style illustration

Make a Donation

Retro game-style coins

Host a Charity Stream

Tiltify Logo
Game controller


Supports TL staff to budget and plan for the year.

Retro video game-style red flower.


Connects one trans person to the Hotline.

Retro video game-style yellow star.


Helps to cover the total legal fees to update an ID.

Retro video game-style red ghost.


Provides peer support to one person to change their ID.

Retro game-style graphic with the Trans Lifeline logo.

2023 has been a harrowing year for trans communities with unprecedented anti-trans legislation, violent rhetoric, and other attacks on our basic rights and dignity. Our services are in greater need than ever!

We work hard to ensure that every dollar you give goes toward care and support for all trans people. We’ve logged thousands of hours of talk time on the hotline, and we’ve distributed over a million dollars to trans people with our microgrants. With your help, we will continue these lifesaving services until they are no longer needed.